How New Warehouse Racks Can Improve Productivity

Jun 15, 2017

How New Warehouse Racks Can Improve Productivity

How New Warehouse Racks Can Improve Productivity. Throughout the years, warehouse storage has evolved tremendously. From simplified shelves to tall steel storage solutions, there have been many types of racks to fill the space in warehouses to house all of the products and merchandise. However, the latest warehouse racks are proving to be much more efficient for warehouse business owners. If it has been a while since you have made updates to your warehouse racks, there is no time like the present to consider making some changes. Take a look at how warehouse racks from Benco Industrial can improve productivity in your place of business.

See improved productivity thanks to maximized space. 

Help your productivity numbers hit a sharp rise, by giving your employees more space to work with for storage within the warehouse with new and upgraded racking systems. Modern warehouse racks take advantage of all vertical space available while keeping the floor space used at a minimum. This gives your employees more room to maneuver with handling equipment, such as forklifts, rolling bins, and pallet jacks so they do not spend extra time transporting products and struggling to get around the building. Likewise, with more storage space, it is easier to categorize and arrange products and merchandise to streamline the process of storing and retrieving items as they are needed.

Prevent workplace accidents with new warehouse racks in your St. Louis facility.

There are few things that can throw a wrench in productivity levels for the day like an employee getting injured on the job. If the  warehouse racking  systems you now have in place are not as safe, sturdy, and secure as they should be, accidents are more of a concern. New warehouse racks are designed and implemented with workplace safety in mind. Modern warehouse racking can help keep employees safer as they work around it with features like:

  • higher weight capacities on shelving
  • invincible beams and cross-beam sections for added support
  • wrap-around post protectors to prevent bumps and injuries
  • wide decks for housing bulky items

Give productivity a boost with fully customized rack features in your warehouse. 

If you want to see the productivity in your warehouse rise, consider installing customized racks in your facility that are designed to house the merchandise and products that your employees consistently handle. For example, racks can be outfitted with integrated bins and drawers for the storage of smaller goods or created with deep set decks to properly hold large loads of palletized merchandise without an employee having to struggle to make things fit securely.

At the end of the day, simply improving the rack systems inside of your warehouse facility can completely change how well your business operates as a whole. If you would like to know more about warehouse racks for your place of business, reach out to us at  Benco  Industrial Equipment.

05 Jul, 2024
A clean and sanitized warehouse is vital for efficient operations, employee safety, and product integrity.
07 Jun, 2024
Operating a warehouse involves more than just storing and moving goods. It is a complex environment with heavy machinery, specialized equipment, and dynamic workflows. Given this complexity, proper training in the use of warehouse equipment is not just beneficial—it is essential. In this blog post, we'll explore why training is crucial for warehouse workers and its positive impacts on safety, efficiency, and overall operations. Safety First: Preventing Accidents and Injuries Safety is the primary reason for thorough training. Warehouses are bustling environments with forklifts, pallet jacks, conveyor belts, and other heavy machinery constantly in use. Without proper training, workers are at a higher risk of accidents, which can range from minor injuries to severe, life-threatening incidents. Training ensures that employees understand how to operate equipment correctly and safely. They learn to recognize potential hazards, such as overloaded forklifts, improperly stacked pallets, or malfunctioning equipment. By adhering to safety protocols, trained workers can prevent accidents that could cause injuries or even fatalities. Moreover, a safety-first approach helps comply with occupational safety regulations, such as those set forth by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), avoiding legal repercussions for the business. Efficiency and Productivity: Maximizing Output Beyond safety, training significantly boosts efficiency and productivity. Skilled workers who know how to use warehouse equipment properly can perform tasks more quickly and accurately. For example, a well-trained forklift operator can maneuver the vehicle efficiently in tight spaces, reducing the time to move goods. Similarly, employees trained to use inventory management software can ensure accurate stock level tracking, leading to better inventory control and less downtime. Training reduces the likelihood of equipment misuse, leading to breakdowns and costly repairs. When employees are knowledgeable about proper maintenance routines and handling procedures, equipment stays in better working condition, further enhancing productivity.
08 May, 2024
As the scorching summer sun bears down, warehouses can quickly transform into sweltering ovens, making work uncomfortable and even hazardous. With soaring temperatures, maintaining productivity and employee well-being becomes a significant challenge. However, implementing practical solutions and innovative strategies can keep your warehouse cool and your workforce comfortable, ensuring smooth operations during the hottest months. Optimize Ventilation Proper ventilation is critical to cooling down a warehouse. Ensure strategic positioning of windows, doors, and vents to encourage airflow. Consider installing industrial fans or roof vents to facilitate air movement throughout the space. Additionally, exhaust fans can help expel hot air, creating a more comfortable environment for employees. A well-ventilated warehouse reduces indoor temperatures and helps mitigate humidity levels, further enhancing comfort. Utilize Cool Roofing Materials Traditional roofing materials like asphalt can absorb and retain heat, contributing to higher indoor temperatures. Opting for cool roofing materials, such as reflective coatings or light-colored roofing membranes, can significantly reduce rooftop temperatures by reflecting sunlight rather than absorbing it. This simple adjustment can substantially impact the warehouse's cooling costs and overall comfort. Moreover, cool roofing materials often come with added durability, providing long-term benefits beyond temperature regulation. Invest in Insulation Proper insulation helps regulate indoor temperatures year-round and prevents heat from infiltrating the warehouse during the summer months. Insulating walls, ceilings, and doors can create a barrier against external heat, keeping the warehouse cooler while maintaining consistent temperatures and reducing the strain on cooling systems. Additionally, insulation can contribute to energy efficiency by minimizing heat transfer, ultimately lowering utility bills and environmental impact.
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